Virtues for Leaders

Virtues for Leaders is our virtue program based on the pursuit of Truth, Beauty and the Good.
Building character through Virtues practice
At Wood Rose Academy & Preschool we believe the best leaders are those who practice virtues daily to build their own character with the goal to improve their life and to give themselves to the others.
The pursuit of happiness is fundamental to human nature and the way to achieve happiness is through the practice of virtues. Virtues allow us to seek and discover Truth, Beauty and the Good.
At Wood Rose Academy & Preschool we have developed a virtue program called "Virtues for Leaders" where every student gets the tools to develop the leader they have within them.
Also we give some monthly guidelines to develop the individual in every skill, that is: Intellectual, Moral, Physical and Spiritual.
Virtues for Leaders
Instilling a “culture of virtue” is our daily task at Wood Rose Academy. Each week a particular virtue is discussed on a level appropriate for each age group. These virtues are reinforced throughout the school year both in the classroom & on the playground. The Wood Rose Staff takes care to model & mentor these virtues for the students on a daily basis throughout the year. Students “caught” being virtuous are recognized at awards assemblies.
Charity: The love of God above all things (charity with God) and to love others with the love of Christ (charity towards neighbor).*
Compassion: Putting ourselves in the other person’s shoes.
Docility: A hunger to learn the truth from others.
Faith: Belief, trust, & confidence in things not yet seen or fulfilled.*
Foresight: Planning ahead and considering consequences.
Forgiveness: To grant pardon & forget the injury.
Fortitude: To pursue, persevere, and carry out the difficult good.**
Friendship: Rejoicing in the good of each other.
Generosity: Giving to others with freedom and joy.
Gratitude: Expressing thankfulness in word and deed.
Honesty: Uprightness in word and deed.
Hope: Trust in God’s promises and strength, not on our own strength and efforts.*
Hospitality: Making visitors feel at home.
Humility: The foundation of the virtuous life and the virtue that tempers pride.
Industriousness: Making good use of time and talents.
Integrity: Firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic value.
Justice: To give each what we owe them: duties to God and to parents, & duties to others. **
Kindness: Thoughtfulness towards others in word and deed.
Loyalty: Being faithful to commitments and friendships.
Magnanimity: Greatness of heart and vision.
Meekness/Gentleness: Replacing bad temper with kindness.
Modesty: Treating our human sexuality with refinement.
Obedience: The love of God above all things (obedience to God) and actively respecting those God has placed in authority over us.
Optimism: Looking for the best in a tough situation.
Order: Putting things and actions in their right place.
Patience: The ability to bear suffering without complaint.
Perseverance: Finishing things to the end.
Prudence: Wisdom put into practice.**
Punctuality: To begin and finish on time.
Religion: A person’s intimate relationship with God.
Respect: Due honor to persons, places, & things.
Responsibility: Able to answer for one’s conduct and obligations.
Sincerity: Telling it like it is.
Sobriety: Temperance in eating and drinking.
Study: Applying the mind in the right direction.
Teamwork: Cooperating to achieve a common goal.
Temperance: Self control.**
*a theological virtue; **a cardinal virtue.